Job Seekers

Companies aren't made up of companies; they are made up of people. We believe that people are an organization’s greatest resource. We live and breathe our values by partnering with job seekers to help match you with positions where you can grow and thrive.


We've been matching talent like yourself with top companies for nearly 25 years, and we’d love to work with you. The numbers don’t lie:


Job Placements


Average Employee Retention Rate


Diverse candidates


Our Process


At HireTalent, you aren’t just another resume and we won’t ghost you. You, our talent, is what makes us possible. We pride ourselves on connection making and relationship building to partner with you on your job search and match you with the best fit in terms of position and company.


Our HireTalent recruiters truly get to know you and help you with the interview and negotiation process and beyond. We have extensive networks at top companies to optimize your job search. Are you ready to find your next big opportunity? Register here or search for jobs below.




Keep On Growing

HireTalent is more than just a recruitment and staffing agency; we are all about building inclusion. As the parent company of Consciously Unbiased, the leader in DEIB training and workplace culture consulting, we are driving conversations that matter. We have an extensive library of videos, articles, and podcasts covering the latest DEIB trends, how to combat bias, and real-world strategies for building inclusion.


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